diz drink is called "HAPPY SODA", so be happy!!first of all, i wanna tanx Allah for giving me this chance to be on another year of my humble life..
oh god, i am too old for diz~~ ^_^ (23 already)
auntie power rangers :Pwow!! i am 23 now.. evrytinx around me is changing so fast.. and i could not believe i already been in diz world for 23 years.. ^_~
lets start with diz year buf-DAY:
today's saturday.. sharply at 12 a.m., i got a call dat i have been waiting for so long.. a call from da exact same person at the exact same time 3 years ago.. its form
Miss Nadic/Mawar. TANX ALOT!! ^o^ we spend an hour together watching How I Met Your Mother.. huhu~
da next morning (todays morning), i woke up at 10a.m. i woke up alone in my bros bedroom in 12th college UM.. i began to feel lonely and quite sad about diz year bufday.. many of my frenz not here in kL.. some of them is on holiday.. and some of them already finished their study.. gosh, i miss 'em..
so i took a bath, call my gF and ask her wat we wanna do today (lucky 4 me she's here).. so we plan to go to her dad's home to take some stuff.. then while waiting for her, i open my FB.. and guess what?? i am so excited to see many wishes from hundreds frenz.. TQ guyz/gurlz!! ^_^ actually diz bufday is da 1st bufday for me as a FB user.. (laugh if u want, its my bufday, i wont get angry ^_~)
then me n my gF went to Sunway Pyramid to meet her sisters, bro-in-law and his younger brother.. they want to buy some stuff i guess.. since i have notinx on my schedule today (eventhough its my bufday!!), so, going out with them is not a bad idea.. we spend few hours there.. but b4 we went home, they said they want to buy a cake.. exhausted by the few hours walk i guess, my brain was so dumb and couldnt even tell they want to buy it 4 me.. LOL! so they bought it and later i ask my gF and she told me dat she wanna have a lil' celebration of my bufday with her family.. huhu~ i coudnt hide my joy and smile like a clown~ =D
lovely children buyin OSIM for their beloved mama ^_^
a healthy OSIM model
unhealthy OSIM model :P then we went to Ayam Penyet Ria (still in Sunway Pyramid) to eat some meals n dat cake.. i kept tinking in my brain at dat time, "wow! diz year is indeed special!! having bufday celebration with my gF family?? who wud have thought??" huhu.. and it went great.. i love it.. tanx dear.. ^_^ after dat, we juz went back and took some rest.. then i spend da nite watching IP-MAN 2 (great movie.. must watch!!) and 2 hours after dat, here i am writing sometinx for my blog after almost a month i left it without updating anytinx.. huu~ gomen2~
my bufday cake
strangers with my cake :P
horrible "tempe+tauhu" monster
family pic pleasseeeee~ :P
Enuf with my bud-DAY story, lets view my wishes for diz 23rd bufday ^_^:
1. I wish to pass Control Engineering subject (4 times already!!) and graduate from UM2. I wish to have a good job as an engineer (plz x3 pray for me!!)3. I wish to adapt to the working environment and excel at it4. I wish to celebrate my convo day with my family and frens5. I wish dat my gF will success in her study and graduate next year.. ^_^i guess dat's all my wishes 4 diz time.. huhu~
OMG!! its almost 12!! got to post diz entry fast b4 my buf-DAY is no longer valid.. huhu..
chiooowww!!! ^_^
p/s: tanx again dear 4 evrytinx.. owh! and plz all, pray dat i will success in my study!! ^_~